All of your Animal Product Needs in One Place

best-private-label-pet-food-mfgLocated in Milton Vermont, we specialize in producing & packaging premium quality extruded products for dogs and cats. Our Product Development team is available to help you bring your new product ideas to market with an emphasis on safety & quality. We are pleased to offer low minimum order size requirements to facilitate the launch of new products for our customers.


Green Mountain Animal, LLC is a complete one-stop shop for all your custom formulation needs for companion animal health products and treats. We are experts in innovative formulation and product quality with the ability to manufacture and source a wide variety of delivery options—including extruded chews, extruded sticks, tablets, capsules, powders, gels and liquids—for your unique product.

As a contract manufacturer of animal health products and treats, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and safety throughout the manufacturing process. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create your custom animal health product or treat.


Why Work with Green Mountain Animal, LLC?


  • Science-based company led by seasoned industry and technical experts
  • Custom formulations with low minimums and competitive prices
  • Private label manufacturing of innovative, consumer driven products
  • Core leadership in National Animal Supplement Council (NASC)
  • USA-based manufacturer
  • We keep our promises

Product Development

Our experienced product development team can assist you with formulating your custom products to make a product that dogs and cats will crave while working within your budget.


To ensure that your products meet your standards for flavor and texture, we will make small sample batches for you to review. We know your time is valuable so we pride ourselves on our ability to make samples quickly using our small laboratory equipment and our full size extruders.


Dale Metz, CEO of Green Mountain Animal, is the Vice President and a founding member of the National Animal Supplement Council. With his 14 years of experience working with the FDA and Center for Veterinary Medicine, we can help you navigate the confusing world of regulatory compliance.


Green Mountain Animal has relationships with many of the animal rescue groups in our area so we have an ample supply of taste-testers to give us feed back on our flavors. The best formula in the world will not do any good if the animals will not eat it!


We know that you have great ideas for your new products so our facilities allow for a variety of packaging options to suit your needs. Our equipment can handle small or large batch sizes so you do not have to make a major volume commitment when launching a new product.

Full Service

From formulation and ingredient sourcing to packaging and shipping, Green Mountain Animal does it all to provide you with a finished product that is ready to put on the store shelf.



Category Archives: Animal Products MFG

Sustainable Practices in Animal Product Manufacturing

Sustainable practices in animal product manufacturing are essential for minimizing environmental impact and ensuring the long-term health of our planet. By adopting eco-friendly methods, manufacturers can reduce waste, conserve resources, and promote animal welfare. In this blog, we’ll explore some key sustainable practices in the industry and how they benefit both the environment and business.

Sustainable Practices in Animal Product Manufacturing

Importance of Sustainability

Sustainability in animal product manufacturing is crucial for several reasons:

Environmental Impact

Reducing the environmental footprint of manufacturing processes helps preserve natural resources, minimize pollution, and combat climate change. Sustainable practices ensure that production does not deplete resources or harm ecosystems.

Consumer Demand

Consumers are increasingly seeking products made with sustainable practices. Meeting this demand can enhance a brand’s reputation and foster customer loyalty.

Regulatory Compliance

Adhering to sustainable practices can help manufacturers comply with environmental regulations and avoid fines or legal issues.

Key Sustainable Practices

Implementing sustainable practices in animal product manufacturing involves several strategies:

Efficient Resource Use

  • Water Conservation: Implementing water-saving technologies and practices can significantly reduce water consumption in manufacturing processes.
  • Energy Efficiency: Using energy-efficient equipment and renewable energy sources helps lower energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.

Waste Reduction

  • Recycling and Reusing Materials: Incorporating recycling programs and reusing materials can reduce waste and lower production costs.
  • Waste Management: Properly managing waste through composting, anaerobic digestion, and other methods can minimize the environmental impact of waste products.

Eco-Friendly Packaging

  • Biodegradable Materials: Using biodegradable packaging materials helps reduce plastic waste and pollution.
  • Minimal Packaging: Designing packaging that uses fewer materials can reduce waste and lower transportation costs.

Ethical Sourcing

  • Sustainable Ingredients: Sourcing ingredients from suppliers that practice sustainable farming and fishing can reduce the environmental impact of raw materials.
  • Fair Trade Practices: Ensuring fair trade practices support ethical labor conditions and sustainable production methods.

Animal Welfare

  • Humane Treatment: Ensuring that animals are treated humanely and raised in healthy, stress-free environments is crucial for ethical manufacturing.
  • Sustainable Feed: Using sustainable and ethically sourced feed reduces the environmental impact of animal farming.

Benefits of Sustainable Practices

Adopting sustainable practices offers numerous benefits for manufacturers:

Cost Savings

Efficient resource use and waste reduction can lead to significant cost savings in production and operations.

Enhanced Reputation

Commitment to sustainability can enhance a brand’s reputation, attracting eco-conscious consumers and building customer loyalty.

Long-Term Viability

Sustainable practices ensure the long-term viability of manufacturing operations by preserving resources and maintaining regulatory compliance.

Commitment to Sustainability

Reputable contract manufacturers should implement sustainable practices in their manufacturing processes & show a commitment to sustainability that ensures products are environmentally friendly and ethically produced.

Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

Energy-efficient equipment and renewable energy sources will help to minimize the environmental footprint. Waste management programs focus on recycling and reducing waste.

Sustainable Sourcing

Ingredients sourced from suppliers that practice sustainable farming and fishing, ensuring that products are made with high quality and ethically sourced materials.

Ethical Animal Welfare

/manufacturers should prioritize the humane treatment of animals and use sustainable feed practices to ensure the health and well-being of the animals involved in our production processes.

Contact Green Mountain Animal, LLC

For more information on our sustainable practices and products, contact Green Mountain Animal, LLC. We are committed to providing high-quality, eco-friendly animal products.

Green Mountain Animal, LLC

How do Dog Food Manufacturers in the USA Operate?

How do dog food manufacturers in the USA operate? In the US, the most regulated food product is pet food. The pet food manufacturing industry has to follow state and federal requirements. The US FDA (Food and Drug Administration) regulates the ingredients and the finished pet food product. Meanwhile, state regulations regarding pet food require manufacturers to register their products. FDA should accept all the ingredients in pet food. Furthermore, AAFCO (Association of American Feed Officials develops regulations and model bills for pet food, so states adopt it into their respective laws and regulations.

Dog Food Manufacturers USA


USA Dog Food Manufacturers: Quality Control

Pet food manufacturers should follow the rules and regulations in manufacturing units. All the state and federal organizations, such as the Federal Trade Commission, the Food and Drug Administration, and the US Department of Agriculture work to check the product’s quality and standard. The US Department of Agriculture controls the meat’s quality and determines whether manufacturers should use animals for pet food manufacturing.

The FDA will regulate ingredients and set up minimum and maximum limits on different nutrients. Moreover, they ban the use of antibiotics or medications in foods. As children usually consume pet food accidentally, they need to be safe in such conditions.

The Association of American Feed Control Officials is a non-governmental advisory group and represents each state. They register brands and pet food after checking the quality.

Guaranteed Analysis

About a century ago, manufacturers used undesirable ingredients such as limestone and sand to increase the weight of their product. That is why the guaranteed analysis statement becomes necessary for food labels. According to guaranteed analysis, the product should contain minimum crude fat and crude protein and maximum crude moisture and fiber. Crude is the method for element testing.

Other guarantees will include minimum sodium, calcium, and linoleic acid in dog food. For cat food, this is magnesium, taurine, and ash. The maximum moisture for the canned food should be 78% and 12% moisture for the dry foods.

Labeling the Products

Manufacturers should properly label pet foods and provide accurate information so purchasers can decide. The AAFCO and the Center for Veterinary Medicine help setup the FDA guidelines. The label should include six elements:

  1. Product name
  2. Manufacturer’s name and address
  3. Net weight
  4. Ingredient list
  5. Nutritional information
  6. Guaranteed analysis

Manufacturers need to add the product name accurately and follow the percentage. Moreover, they should describe the content.

Regulations by Association of American Feed Control Officials

When it comes to grocery items, pet food manufacturers should follow high regulations of the product. Federal and state laws impose various regulations for pet food with regard to the manufacturing process, ingredients, and labeling. Furthermore, all the laws and regulations about pet food should work abiding by the Association of American Feed Control Officials. This organization regulates animal feed such as pet food and treats.

Dog Food Manufacturers regulations USA

Members of this organization develop standards about nutritional requirements, ingredient definitions, model laws and regulations, and labeling, and other guidelines for the pet food sector. They also promote standard laws and regulations for pet food, promote interstate commerce, and ensure consumer protection throughout the United States.

Regulation of Pet Food

On the federal level, FDA, FTC, and USDA regulate pet food. FTC and FDA take claims over labeling and advertising claims. Apart from that, FDA also regulates the finished products and pet food ingredients. Furthermore, FDA imposes requirements on all the other food items for people and pets. They ensure:

  • That the product is wholesome and pure
  • That the product is free from deleterious and harmful substances
  • That the products are truthfully labeled
  • That the canned products follow low acid canning regulations.

FDA and state regulators also regulate pet food plants. Furthermore, they test the ingredients in pet food and finished goods on a timely basis. They confirm that the product has the same nutritional content as the label mentions. These regulations ensure that the products are free from undesirable substances. Suppose the state regulators find the products insufficient and fail to meet the nutritional content. In that case, FDA will issue a warning to manufacturers if they find that the product is unsafe for pets and the environment.

Dog Food Manufacturers USA: Conclusion

If you want to know more about the state and the federal government’s regulations as related to pet food production, contact us at 802-752-4738. Also, if you want to customize your own pet product, consider Green Mountain Animal LLC, where we ensure that your product is according to government and state regulations.

Contract Manufacturing Pet Products – How Does It Work?

There is no denying that the pet product industry is the raging business and is expanding in the market. The pet product supplier represents 5.5 percent of the mainstream market, according to the latest survey. Surprisingly, the segment is expected to increases from $5 billion to $6.9 billion in the coming years. The reason for this exponential growth is the tremendously increasing pet supplies and people’s growing interest in keeping pets.

Contract Manufacturing Pet Products

The recent study by the American Animal Hospital Association revealed that 235 million households in America own pets. And these households make 60 percent of the total US households. American product Manufacturer Association also showed in its latest survey that 62 million people in the USA are dog owners and spend about $400 on their pet food, which is more than they spend on their books, coffee, or video rentals.

The given statistics reflect that pet products have become everyday items people buy in bulk to keep their furry companions safe and healthy. Contract manufacturing pet products in this regard is the next big thing in the market with its rapidly expanding market. Many renowned and leading companies such as “Green Mountain Animal,” produce and package high-quality pet products for cats and dogs.  They aim to help pet product suppliers to introduce pet product ideas to consumers to receive better quality and safety.

But how does contract manufacturing for pet products work? Let us delve into the details to find out.

What is Contract Manufacturing Pet Products?

Contract manufacturing typically refers to executing contractual agreements. It is commonly used by foreign marketers in international markets where one company arranges for another company located in some other country to manage all the manufacturing processes for the products.

The common terms used for this type of manufacturing are international subcontracting and international outsourcing. Green Mountain Animal, for example, is one of the reliable contract manufacturing companies that specialize in the custom formulation of pet products. It produces and sources plenty of pet products, including extruded sticks, powder, gels, extruded chews, and liquids for many suppliers.

Generally, a contract manufacturing company likes Green Mountain Animal outlines terms like;

  • Conditions
  • Product quality
  • Quantities
  • Delivery dates
  • Certification

The contract outlines several guidelines for inspecting and testing that a pet-products supplying company needs for its customers. Besides that, contract manufacturing gives order modification, along with the compensation and guarantee, if any party breaches the contract.

The process of contract manufacturing, particularly pet products, involves the outsourcing of pet supplies to an international industry through a third party that produces the product privately. There is no doubt; many small and large pet product companies can benefit from this contractual agreement.

How Does Contract Manufacturing Work?

As mentioned earlier, contract manufacturing is the type of company that manufactures, builds, and creates the product for another company. It is a firm that offers specialized services to multiple businesses for contracts. The firm may have its own design and concept, and it might be working as a liaison between two companies.

The pet product firms, for instance, can have their concept and range of products such as pet treats and health products. The contract manufacturing companies like Green Mountain Animal help other companies launch their product line by catering to all the requirements.

Contract Manufacturing Pet Food

In other words, the role of the contract manufacturer is to bridge the gap between two firms to benefit each other mutually. The standard process of contact manufacturing of pet product includes the following steps;

  • A pet product company enters into a mutual agreement with a contract manufacturing company to make, source or package the product
  • The pet product company incorporates those manufactured products into its product line to sell the customer
  • The pet product company uses its distribution, customer services, sales, and marketing strategies to put the products for the end-users.

Why Choosing the Right Contract Manufacturing is Important?

Hiring a contract manufacturing company is vital if you run a pet product company. The industry is all set to rule the global economy with its astounding growth.

Despite its potential growth, the industry has a great deal of competition when it comes to manufacturing the premium quality pet product. New pet suppliers are incorporating smart strategies to stand out and make their brand image in the market.

This is where you need a contract manufacturer that can help your company provide unique pet products.  However, choosing a contract manufacturer that provides your company with exceptional access to a wide variety of ingredients and materials is important to build your brand name. Choose a company that not only offers you high-quality products but also helps you keep prices down during product development.

Green Mountain Animal, for example, entails some excellent features to help pet product companies manage their budget. It provides the following benefits;

  • No setup charges
  • Minimum order requirements
  • Easy access to product distributors to help in a product market

Whether you are a start-up or an established company, Green Mountain Animal can help in processing food services. The contract manufacturing company goes beyond just delivering high-quality pet products for the customers. It leverages the success as a pioneer in the contract manufacturing market to foster suppliers, employees, and customers.

Green Mountain Animal undeniably is the right choice to make your contract manufacturing deal and lead your company towards long-term progress. For more information, you can call us at 802-752-4738 or visit our website

Professional Powder Manufacturing for Animal Products

Powder manufacturing Powder manufacturing requires a lot of skilled professionals working together, and you could get exactly what you need by hiring them to make your next animal product. These particular products need to be carefully made with just the right formula, which is all the more reason to pay for these services.

If you want your animal powder product to become very successful once it is launched, it is imperative that you at least consider paying for outside manufacturing services.

Efficient Manufacturing Services

You can rely on a good animal product manufacturer to make the powder product you need according to your timeline so that it is launched promptly. These professionals can go through the entire manufacturing and shipping process so that everything is down on time. By paying for these services, you will spare yourself a lot of unnecessary stress and hard work.

Powder manufacturingA Potent and Effective Product

When you choose the right professionals to manufacture your powder animal product, you can trust that it will be effective and work well overall. The only way that you are going to get people to keep buying your product is if it actually works, and this is something that one of these manufacturers can help with. These professionals will come up with a formula made up of all the right ingredients to perfectly match the needs of your customers.

Product Testing

A manufacturing contractor will be able to test the new animal powder product you want before it is shipped off to ensure that it meets all quality standards. You will find that most of these companies have sophisticated technology that will analyze the powder to make sure that it is top quality in every way.

Shipping and Distribution

Powder manufacturingThe company you hire to make your powder animal product will be responsible for manufacturing it, but they can ship it out as well. This means that you won’t need to worry about the logistics of getting your product onto the actual store shelves. Since this can be quite a complex and time-consuming process, it is better to left to others who know exactly what they are doing.

From formulation to distribution, you will be able to get exactly what you need for your next powder animal product. A lot of companies hire outside manufacturers to make their products from scratch and ship them all over the country, and it’s definitely a great option to keep in mind for your business.

Contact us today toll free at 802-752-4738  for more information on Manufacturing Animal products

Benefits of Contract Manufacturing for Animal Products

You will quickly discover that there are many benefits associated with contract manufacturing for animal products, and it’s important that you know what some of them are. These days a lot of businesses are enlisting the help of outside companies in the production of animal food and other products. In this article you will learn about some of the main reasons to consider contract manufacturing services for animal products.

Your Save Money

There are substantial savings associated with taking advantage of contract manufacturing services for animal products of all kinds. When you hire another company to do this work, you won’t have to spend any money on a facility. It is also possible to save money on equipment and labor when you go through another company.

Quality Benefits

When you choose the right company to contract the manufacturing of animal products out to, you can trust that the products they produce will meet the highest quality standards. It is important for you to take the time to look into some of these businesses before deciding on one in particular. A reputable animal product contract manufacturer can uphold the quality standards of your business.

All the Services You Need

A majority of animal product contract manufacturers will be able to provide you with a full range of services that should cover all of your needs. These services typically go all the way from the formulation process to physically packaging and shipping out the products. You should take the time to find a contract manufacturer that can do everything you require. Not all of these contract manufacturers are the same, but these days many of them offer thorough services that cover the entire process.

Less Work

One of the biggest benefits of paying for contract manufacturing services for the animal products you need is that you won’t have to worry about doing any of the work, as you’ll have other professionals to do it for you. This will free you up to focus on the big picture for your business. There is no question that time is money, which is why so many businesses are choosing to outsource at least some of their manufacturing work.

If you need top quality animal products manufactured, you will want to at least explore the option of hiring an outside company to help. Contract manufacturing has become incredibly popular in the animal product industry for a number of reasons.

Contact us today toll free at 802-752-4738  for more information on Manufacturing Animal products

Pet Supplements Contract Manufacturing for Animal Products

Pet Supplements Contract Manufacturing for Animal ProductsPet supplements are a growing component of the pet food industry. In fact, consumers are more aggressively turning to supplements as a way to fend off disease and, in some ways, prevent them. However, consumers are also increasingly insistent on quality. If you plan to create or launch a new line of pet supplements, it is very important to choose the right pet supplement contract manufacturer to help you to do just that. What are consumers looking for when purchasing these products? And, as a company that plans to enter into this lucrative market, the question is, what do you need to know to actually have success with it?

Key Factors for Manufacturing Pet Supplements

Working hand in hand with the development of pet supplements is an important step for most companies. You need to trust in the manufacturer you select to provide you with an exceptional product that is created to meet your specific needs an ongoing basis. Consider these factors.

    • Pet Supplements Contract Manufacturing for Animal ProductsSupplements must provide results to consumers. For this reason, consistency in the makeup of the product will be important to any consumer. Does your product offer that reliability?
    • Ingredients play an important role for consumers as well. For this reason, it is important to choose a company that can provide a consistently high quality in every ingredient used. In some cases, this may include organic products.
    • Pet supplement manufacturers should also be able to provide consistent supply. There is no telling how well your product could sell if you have the right product in place. Does the company have no perceived concerns about being able to deliver consistently?
    • What about regulatory factors? Many companies are expanding their lines to provide for international use. However, the United States is no longer the only regulatory agency and, in many cases, overseas countries have numerous regulations in place for pet products.
    • What is going to help this product to stand out? Whatever that is, can the manufacturer help ensure that it is going to do so on a regular basis?

Pet Supplements Contract Manufacturing for Animal ProductsAll of this plays a role in whether or not a product will be a success. Pet supplement contract manufacturing is a big part of that success. Choose the right company to manufacture your pet and animal products to ensure that your product gets the best opportunity possible to do well in this highly competitive market.

Soft Chews Manufacturing for Animal Products

Are you ready to launch your new product? If so, now may be the time to do so. Soft chew manufacturing for animal products can be done very successfully and, in some cases, more efficiently and cost-effectively than ever before. If you are considering the options for manufacturing your next product, it may be time to look for a manufacturer that not only can create exactly what you need but one that can do so affordably and to your exacting standards.

What to Consider When Choosing a Manufacturer for Your Animal Products

When selecting a manufacturer for soft chew animal products, take the time to choose one that offers the resources to help you to get the exact results you need. Working with a private label company is best for startups and first-time inventories. This provides you with the ability to remain very hands on during the process. You can work with the team to handle as much or as little of the process as you would like to. Even better, you get access to the professional services and team that you need to take your product from the idea phase into the successful stage.

Soft Chews Manufacturing for Animal ProductsWhen choosing a company, consider one that offers a multitude of benefits and features:

    • Choose a company that can help with product development. If you have an idea, but you need help turning that idea into an affordable to make product, this is where to start.
    • Look for those that can help you with the development of a product that meets necessary safety standards.
    • Utilize the team’s resources to help you avoid any patent infringement concerns. Can they help you to make sure your product is truly unique?
    • You also want to choose a company that can help with branding, naming, and product design. This plays a role in your success as well.
    • Finally, you need a company that can help you with manufacturing your product in a safe environment that’s transparent enough to meet today’s consumer’s needs.

All of these factors play a role in how successful your product can be. Work with the best soft chew manufacturing company for animal products to get the results that you need. With the right team behind you and your product, you can be successful.

Powders Manufacturing for Animal Products

Powders Manufacturing for Animal ProductsFinding the right team to handle powders manufacturing for animal products is one of the biggest decisions you will need to make through the development of your next product. If you are like many of today’s new companies or product developers, there may not be a more important step in the process of getting your idea off the ground. Today’s consumer is demanding improved quality with every purchase. Add to this the demand for comprehensive transparency, and you have a need for a truly experienced and dedicated company. As you look for the best powders manufacturing company for animal products,

What Should You Consider When Choosing a Powder Manufacturer?

There are many factors to keep in mind when it comes to powder manufacturing selection. Depending on the type of product you plan to make, what stage you are in within the process, and how you plan to move forward, you’ll need to speak to the manufacturer about factors such as the following:

    • Will the product be highly soluble? Depending on if you are seeking an end product or an ingredient, this can be very important.
    • How accessible is the product? You need products and ingredients that are going to be readily accessible (or at least cost effective to source) to fit your timeline as well as the production process.
    • Powders Manufacturing for Animal ProductsHow much protein is present? This is one of the most important steps to consumers. You need to find a product, in most cases, that offers a consistent level of protein present.
    • You need a product that is highly stable. It needs to be reliable to you every time you need to use it.
    • Consider whether or not there is a need for the product to be USDA inspected. Are you aiming to meet specific standards here?
    • What about the customer and technical services you may need? Those may need to be provided as well.
    • It needs to be cost effective. While consumers are spending more on pet products every year, they are looking more so at affordable prices than high-end

When it comes to powder manufacturing companies for animal products, it pays to get to know the company and the product that it is offering or the consistency it can provide to you. Choose a company that can offer you the exceptional service and quality of product you need.

Small Lot Contract Manufacturing of Animal Products

Small Lot Contract Manufacturing of Animal ProductsAre you a new company or do you have a brand new idea for a new pet food, treat or supplement? Today, Americans view their pets as a member of the family. They give pets more food options, allow them to be pickier about what they eat, and they demand a higher quality of food as well. Some people even offer human grade product to dogs and cats. If you want to play a role in giving consumers the products they want, but you do not want to launch a large brand just yet, you may need to look for a small lot contract manufacturing company to get started.

Why Small Lots Matter

In such a competitive industry, it has never been more important to ensure consumers have access to the products they want. However, it is not always advisable to launch a product with extensive product inventory when you are unsure how well it will work. Keep in mind that many products that enter the market do not remain their long term because of the competitiveness. Small lots can make it more affordable and more accessible for companies just getting a product out onto shelves to make only what they need so less is wasted in the process.

What to Look for in a Small Lot Manufacturer

Looking for a small lot contract manufacturing company for animal products starts with looking for a company that offers this service. Not all product manufacturers do. There are many reasons they may not including the cost limitations. However, you should never sacrifice quality here. Look for a manufacturer that can promise:

    • Readily available ingredients and supplements
    • Consistent high protein concentration to meet product demands
    • High stability of the product
    • Reductions in bacterial or viral concerns
    • USDA inspection of ingredients and final product as needed
    • Highly cost-effective ingredients and overall product

Quality is most important, especially in small lot investments. It is in these initial investments, after all, that your final product’s success will be. If you cannot do well in this area, you may not be able to launch fully. That is why it is so important to seek out a specialized small lot contract manufacturer who you can depend on to provide exceptional service and attention to your needs no matter what your animal product is, what it will cost to make, or how large your production is.

Product Development for Animal Products

There is a great deal that goes into the process of developing an animal product. Perhaps you have created a unique recipe for a dog chew. You may have created a product you know pets like your own will appreciate and perhaps it is even good for them. When choosing a company to help you to take your idea or prototype and turn it into a profitable product, there are many things to keep in mind. One of those things is the product development phase.

Even those who have a solid idea and plan, with a workable product, still need to take into consideration the development phase.

 The Right Company Aids in Product Development

Product Development for Animal ProductsProduct development for animal products can be a complex component of the process of getting your product to the next level. When you choose the right manufacturing company for animal products, the company itself can often help you with the development process. There’s much that goes into this just from the manufacturing point of view.

    • What regulatory requirements are in place for your product? If you plan to sell internationally – which is more in reach today than ever before for companies – you need to meet a much wider number of requirements.
    • What about the ingredient list? Are you using the best ingredients for your product and, if so, are they cost effective? You also need to consider the availability of products, the efficiency of using one product over enough, and the stability of those products
    • Product development can also help you with the design process. Depending on the product, you may need help with sizing and shape. Textile features are important. In addition to this, the company may be able to help you with other aspects of the process including the design and branding of packaging.

TProduct Development for Animal Productshere is a great deal that goes into the product development of animal products. Not only does the product need to be a good product with benefits to the pet and the pet must like and want to use it, but you also have to sell it to the consumer. While this may initially seem like a marketing task, the development of the product will impact the outcome in every situation. In short, companies must invest in the right animal product manufacturer to ensure every component of the process goes the way it should create success.

Contract Manufacturing for Animal Products

When it comes to manufacturing animal products, today’s consumer is more experienced and more interested in the process than ever before. If your company is looking for contract manufacturing for products, and you hope to hit the market with an exceptional product at the right price, it’s important to choose carefully. Times have changed significantly and with that change comes a number of additional responsibilities for product suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and, of course, the companies behind the product. When you use the best manufacturer of pet products, you minimize the risk of missing your key market.

Consumers Are Demanding More Information

Over the last ten years, a number of changes have occurred in the marketplace. Today’s consumers are behind those changes. For example, after a rash of toxic foods over oversea producers hit the market and it was discovered that those products were thought to be behind the illness and disease in dogs, consumers quickly changed habits and forced, by way of not making purchases, distributors to move away from those products. In short, consumers today are more powerful and more demanding than ever. They want to know what is in the products they are giving their pets, how the product is being made, and where it is being made. If your company isn’t providing those types of resources to the consumer – or your product cannot guarantee quality that is also safe, you may be unable to convince enough consumers to buy from you.

How to Choose a Manufacturer Consumers Appreciate

When choosing a manufacturer for pet supplements or other animal products, the success you seek is in the details. Ensure that the company you decide to work with can offer the highest quality of results. This is a company that needs to be able to meet your specific goals for ingredients, freshness, and quality, but also on transparency in the manufacturing process and supply change. You’ll also want to choose a manufacturing company that’s capable of providing reliable results every time without making it cost too much.

There is no doubt that contract manufacturing for animal products needs to be a carefully selected process. However, with consumers demanding more information and better resources, it is also important to choose a company that can deliver both quality and competitive pricing. The good news is you do not have to sacrifice quality for price any longer.

Contact us today toll free at 877.590.4642 for more information on Manufacturing Animal Supplements

Green Mountain Animal – Introduction

animal-product-mfg-vtGreen Mountain Animal, LLC was established with one clear mission: To partner with companion animal companies to advance the growth of their animal health products and pet treats.  We began by offering consultation services to small and well established companies – helping with business, ingredient, formulation, manufacturing and distribution solutions.

We’ve now expanded to include custom formulation manufacturing in a wide variety of product forms. With over 25 combined years of leadership in the companion animal industry, we’ve formed strategic alliances with reputable animal health organizations around the globe to raise industry standards in the production of companion animal health products and treats.

We place a strong emphasis on science in the custom formulation and development of your products.  We are committed to using only the highest quality ingredients and exacting research standards to create products that will meet and exceed the expectations of the ever-evolving consumer.

As a contract manufacturing partner, we are able to bring our technology, research and production expertise together under your label for a quality product at a fair cost. Our strict quality assurance and manufacturing standards are backed by a quality guarantee.

We look forward to partnering with you to discover ethical solutions for the health and well-being of companion animals worldwide.

You have my word and my promise.

Dale R. Metz
Founder & CEO

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468