All of your Animal Product Needs in One Place

best-private-label-pet-food-mfgLocated in Milton Vermont, we specialize in producing & packaging premium quality extruded products for dogs and cats. Our Product Development team is available to help you bring your new product ideas to market with an emphasis on safety & quality. We are pleased to offer low minimum order size requirements to facilitate the launch of new products for our customers.


Green Mountain Animal, LLC is a complete one-stop shop for all your custom formulation needs for companion animal health products and treats. We are experts in innovative formulation and product quality with the ability to manufacture and source a wide variety of delivery options—including extruded chews, extruded sticks, tablets, capsules, powders, gels and liquids—for your unique product.

As a contract manufacturer of animal health products and treats, we pride ourselves on our commitment to quality and safety throughout the manufacturing process. Contact us today to learn how we can help you create your custom animal health product or treat.


Why Work with Green Mountain Animal, LLC?


  • Science-based company led by seasoned industry and technical experts
  • Custom formulations with low minimums and competitive prices
  • Private label manufacturing of innovative, consumer driven products
  • Core leadership in National Animal Supplement Council (NASC)
  • USA-based manufacturer
  • We keep our promises

Product Development

Our experienced product development team can assist you with formulating your custom products to make a product that dogs and cats will crave while working within your budget.


To ensure that your products meet your standards for flavor and texture, we will make small sample batches for you to review. We know your time is valuable so we pride ourselves on our ability to make samples quickly using our small laboratory equipment and our full size extruders.


Dale Metz, CEO of Green Mountain Animal, is the Vice President and a founding member of the National Animal Supplement Council. With his 14 years of experience working with the FDA and Center for Veterinary Medicine, we can help you navigate the confusing world of regulatory compliance.


Green Mountain Animal has relationships with many of the animal rescue groups in our area so we have an ample supply of taste-testers to give us feed back on our flavors. The best formula in the world will not do any good if the animals will not eat it!


We know that you have great ideas for your new products so our facilities allow for a variety of packaging options to suit your needs. Our equipment can handle small or large batch sizes so you do not have to make a major volume commitment when launching a new product.

Full Service

From formulation and ingredient sourcing to packaging and shipping, Green Mountain Animal does it all to provide you with a finished product that is ready to put on the store shelf.



Category Archives: Private Label

Creating Private Label Soft Chews for Pets with a Contract Manufacturer

Creating Private Label Soft Chews for Pets with a Contract ManufacturerCreating private label soft chews for pets are an increasingly popular product in the pet industry, offering pet brands a way to deliver health benefits in a palatable format. Working with a contract manufacturer can simplify the process, ensuring high-quality products and efficient production. In this article we’ll explore the benefits of creating private label soft chews for pets and how to choose the right contract manufacturer.

The Benefits of Private Label Soft Chews

Soft chews are a versatile and appealing way to deliver supplements and medications to pets. Here are some benefits of offering private label soft chews:


Private labeling allows you to create custom formulations tailored to the specific needs of your target market. This includes choosing the active ingredients, flavors, and textures that best suit the preferences of pets and their owners.

Brand Differentiation

Creating a unique product under your brand name helps differentiate your offerings from competitors. High-quality, custom-branded soft chews can build brand loyalty and increase customer satisfaction.

Market Expansion

Soft chews appeal to a wide range of pet owners, making them an excellent addition to your product line. They are especially popular for administering supplements to pets that are picky eaters or have difficulty swallowing pills.

Choosing the Right Contract Manufacturer

Partnering with the right contract manufacturer is crucial for the success of your private label soft chews. Here are some factors to consider when selecting a manufacturing partner:

Experience and Expertise

Choose a manufacturer with extensive experience in producing soft chews for pets. Their expertise will ensure that your products meet high standards of quality and palatability.

Quality Assurance

Ensure that the manufacturer follows strict quality control measures, including testing raw materials and finished products for safety and efficacy. Look for certifications such as GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) and ISO (International Organization for Standardization).

Customization Capabilities

Select a manufacturer that offers comprehensive customization options. This includes the ability to create custom formulations, flavors, shapes, and packaging that align with your brand’s vision.

Production Capacity and Flexibility

Assess the manufacturer’s production capacity to ensure they can meet your volume requirements and deadlines. Flexibility in scaling production is also important as your business grows.

Regulatory Compliance

Ensure that the manufacturer complies with all relevant regulations and industry standards. This includes adherence to FDA guidelines for pet products and proper labeling requirements.

Green Mountain Animal’s Expertise in Soft Chew Manufacturing

At Green Mountain Animal, LLC, we specialize in producing high-quality private label soft chews for pets. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you create custom formulations that meet the unique needs of your brand and target market.

Comprehensive Customization

We offer extensive customization options, allowing you to choose the ingredients, flavors, and packaging that best represent your brand. Our state-of-the-art facilities and expert staff ensure that your products are of the highest quality.

Quality and Safety

Quality and safety are our top priorities. We adhere to strict quality control measures and industry standards to ensure that every batch of soft chews meets our rigorous criteria. Our certifications, including GMP and ISO, demonstrate our commitment to excellence.

Partner with Us

Partnering with Green Mountain Animal, LLC, for your private label soft chews ensures a seamless and successful product launch. Our team is here to support you at every step, from formulation to production and packaging.

Creating Private Label Soft Chews for Pets: Contact Green Mountain Animal, LLC

For more information on creating private label soft chews for pets, contact Green Mountain Animal, LLC. We are committed to providing high-quality products that promote the health and well-being of pets.

Green Mountain Animal, LLC

Packaging and Labeling Best Practices for Private Label Pet Brands

When it comes to best practices for private label pet products, packaging and labeling play a crucial role in attracting customers and conveying trustworthiness. Whether you’re a private label brand owner or a contract manufacturer, understanding the best practices for packaging and labeling is essential for success. In this guide, we’ll explore the key considerations and strategies to ensure your private label pet brand stands out on the shelf. At Green Mountain Animal, LLC, a leading contract manufacturer of pet products based in Vermont, USA, we’re committed to helping you create appealing and compliant packaging and labels for your pet products.

Packaging and Labeling Best Practices for Private Label Pet Brands

Packaging and Labeling Best Practices for Private Label Pet Brands

The Importance of Packaging and Labeling

Packaging-and-Labeling-Pet-product-BrandsEffective packaging and labeling go beyond aesthetics; they serve several vital purposes:

1. Brand Identity

Packaging and labels are the first touchpoints consumers have with your brand. They should reflect your brand’s identity, values, and mission.

2. Information and Transparency

Clear and accurate labeling provides pet owners with essential information about the product, including ingredients, nutritional facts, and usage instructions. Transparency builds trust.

3. Differentiation

In a competitive market, distinctive packaging and labeling can help your products stand out and catch the eye of potential customers.

4. Compliance

Ensuring that your packaging and labels comply with regulatory standards is crucial to avoid legal issues and recalls.

Packaging Best Practices

1. Visual Appeal

Design packaging that resonates with your target audience. Consider using appealing colors, graphics, and images that evoke positive emotions related to pets.

2. Product Visibility

Pet owners want to see what they’re buying. Clear windows or images of the product on the packaging can enhance product visibility.

3. Sustainability

Eco-friendly packaging is a growing trend. Consider using sustainable materials and communicating your commitment to the environment on the packaging.

4. Convenience

Ensure that the packaging is easy to open and reseal to maintain product freshness.

Labeling Best Practices

1. Compliance

Adhere to all regulatory requirements for pet product labeling. This includes providing accurate ingredient lists, nutritional information, and any required warnings.

2. Transparency

Clearly state the source and purpose of ingredients, nutritional facts, feeding instructions, and any allergen information. Transparency builds trust with consumers.

3. Brand Consistency

Maintain a consistent brand identity across all your product labels. Consistency helps consumers recognize and trust your brand.

4. Font and Legibility

Use legible fonts and appropriate font sizes to ensure that all information on the label can be easily read.

5. Barcode and Batch Information

Include barcodes for easy scanning at checkout, and provide batch or lot information for traceability and recalls.

Packaging and Labeling Best Practices for Private Label Pet Brands: Work with Green Mountain Animal, LLC

Green Mountain Animal, LLC, understands the importance of packaging and labeling in the pet industry. We offer private label pet product manufacturing services, including assistance with packaging design and label creation. Our USA-based manufacturing facilities adhere to strict quality control standards.

Contact Us for Packaging and Labeling Solutions

Whether you’re launching a new private label pet brand or seeking to enhance your existing packaging and labels, Green Mountain Animal, LLC, is here to assist you. Together, we’ll create packaging and labels that not only comply with regulations but also captivate pet owners and reinforce trust in your private label pet brand.

Green Mountain Animal, LLC
75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468
Phone: 802-752-4738

From Concept to Shelf: Private Label Pet Product Manufacturing

How does the private label pet product manufacturing process work? Bringing your private label pet product to market is an exciting journey filled with opportunities and challenges. At Green Mountain Animal, LLC, a trusted contract manufacturer based in Vermont, USA, we understand the intricacies of the private label pet product manufacturing process. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps from concept to shelf, helping you turn your pet product vision into reality.

Private Label Pet Product Manufacturing Process

Private Label Pet Product Manufacturing

Step 1: Conceptualization and Research

The journey begins with a concept. Identify a gap in the market or a unique pet product idea that aligns with your brand’s vision. Conduct thorough market research to understand consumer preferences, trends, and competitive offerings.

Step 2: Product Development

Work closely with a contract manufacturer like Green Mountain Animal to develop your product concept. Our experienced team will help you refine your idea, select the right ingredients, and create a product that meets your specifications and market demands.

Step 3: Formulation and Testing

Formulating your pet product is a crucial step. Our experts will craft a formulation that prioritizes quality, safety, and effectiveness. Rigorous testing ensures that your product meets regulatory standards and delivers the promised benefits.

Step 4: Packaging and Labeling

Design eye-catching packaging that tells your brand’s story and appeals to your target audience. Accurate and compliant labeling is essential to convey product information, including ingredients, usage instructions, and any necessary warnings.

Step 5: Manufacturing and Quality Control

Partner with a contract manufacturer like Green Mountain Animal with state-of-the-art facilities and a commitment to quality control. Our manufacturing processes adhere to the highest industry standards, ensuring consistency and safety in every batch.

Private Label Best Pet Product Manufacturing 2024Step 6: Regulatory Compliance

Navigating the regulatory landscape for pet products is complex but vital. Ensure that your product complies with all relevant regulations and standards to avoid potential legal issues.

Step 7: Marketing and Branding

Develop a comprehensive marketing strategy to promote your private label pet product. Leverage digital marketing, social media, and other channels to reach your target audience and build brand awareness.

Step 8: Distribution and Sales

Explore distribution channels that align with your target market, whether it’s through e-commerce, brick-and-mortar retailers, or a combination of both. Establish relationships with retailers and create compelling sales materials.

Step 9: Customer Support and Feedback

Provide excellent customer support and actively seek feedback from pet owners who use your product. Use this feedback to make improvements and refine your offerings.

Step 10: Scaling and Growth

As your private label pet product gains traction, consider expanding your product line or entering new markets. Continuously innovate and adapt to changing consumer preferences.


Private Label Pet Product Manufacturing: Partner with Green Mountain Animal, LLC

Green Mountain Animal, LLC is your trusted partner in the private label pet product manufacturing. With our expertise, commitment to quality, and USA-based production, we ensure that your products meet the highest industry standards.

Contact Us to Begin Your Journey

Ready to turn your pet product concept into a successful brand? Contact Green Mountain Animal, LLC, and let’s embark on the journey together.

Green Mountain Animal, LLC
75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

From concept to shelf, we’ll be with you every step of the way, helping you bring exceptional private label pet products to pet owners who demand the best for their beloved companions.

The Advantages of Private Labeling for Your Pet Business

In this blog post, we will discuss the advantages of private labeling for your pet business. As a pet business owner, you understand the importance of providing high-quality products to your customers. One way to ensure that your products meet your customers’ needs is by private labeling. Private labeling allows you to offer your own branded products without the expense of creating your manufacturing facility.

private labelling services for pet products business

Advantages of Private Labeling for Your Pet Business


Private labeling allows you to customize your products to meet the unique needs of your customers. You can choose from a variety of products and create a unique brand that reflects your business values and personality. This can set you apart from your competitors and give your customers a sense of trust in your brand.


Private labeling can be a cost-effective way to offer high-quality products to your customers without the expense of creating your manufacturing facility. You can take advantage of the expertise of a contract manufacturer, such as Green Mountain Animal, LLC, to create custom formulations and packaging that meet your specific needs.

Brand Recognition

Private labeling allows you to build brand recognition and loyalty among your customers. By offering your branded products, you create a sense of exclusivity and trust in your brand. This can help to increase customer retention and drive sales for your business.

Advantages of Private Labeling for Your Pet Business

Control Over Quality

With private labeling, you have control over the quality of the products that you offer to your customers. You can work closely with the contract manufacturer to ensure that the ingredients used in your products meet your quality standards. This can give you peace of mind knowing that the products you offer are of the highest quality.

Faster Time to Market

Private labeling allows you to bring products to market quickly. You don’t have to spend time developing your formulations, packaging, or manufacturing processes. This can be especially important when introducing new products to the market or responding to changing consumer trends.

Green Mountain Animal, LLC Private Labeling Services

Green Mountain Animal, LLC is a contract manufacturer of pet food, animal health products, pet treats, and supplement products. All of our products are made in the USA and are of the highest quality. We understand the benefits of private labeling for pet businesses and offer customized solutions to meet your unique requirements.

Our team of experts works closely with our clients to create custom formulations and packaging that meet their specific needs. We offer a range of pet products, including dog and cat food, supplements, and pet health products.

We understand that quality and safety are of the utmost importance when it comes to pet products. That’s why we have a robust quality control program in place to ensure that our products meet the highest standards of quality and safety.

Advantages of Private Labeling for Your Pet Business: Conclusion

Private labeling can be a cost-effective way to offer high-quality products to your customers while building brand recognition and loyalty. It allows you to customize your products, control the quality, and bring products to market quickly. At Green Mountain Animal, LLC, we offer customized private labeling solutions for pet businesses looking to offer high-quality products to their customers.

Contact us today to learn more about our contract manufacturing and private labeling services for pet food, pet supplements, and pet health products.

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 054683

Pet Food Supplier: Consider Going Private Label

Can you use a private label pet food supplier to create your unique pet products under your own brand? Over time, consumers have become highly conscientious of the products they purchase and use for their pets. For that reason, the pet food industry is transforming at a rapid pace. Pet owners feel more inclined to make smart decisions when purchasing pet food for their dogs, cats, etc.

Private Label Pet Food Supplier

Private label pet food offers incredible sale opportunities for retailer brands. If you’re one, choosing a private label pet products manufacturer is an excellent idea, considering the thriving sales. The right manufacturer can abide by set standards and package according to AAFCO.

Private Label Pet Food: What Is It?

Retailers usually try to offer a vast collection of pet products, including food, supplements, toys, grooming products, etc. They try to maintain a strong balance between store and national pet product brands.

While multiple retailers and stores sell these brands, a private label brand belongs to the retailer. It offers the opportunity to push your business and create a private label.

But First, Understand the Buying Behavior of Pet Parents

Pet owners are expanding their preferences and reevaluating their priorities. As a result, the pet products market is blossoming and offering incredible opportunities for manufacturers, brands, and retailers. More private label brands are finding a secure footing in the marketplace, winning consumers’ trust.

If we’re being honest, most pet parents view private label food suppliers under the same category as national brands. With excellent private labels thriving in the market, more consumers are ditching expensive national pet food brands to switch to private labels.

While private label pet product brands are generally low on price, they offer excellent quality food and premium products. Private label pet food suppliers help small and large businesses build their brand.

Why You Should Start a Private Label Brand

Creating a private label brand offers a plethora of fantastic benefits for retailers. Here are some reasons why starting a private label brand is an excellent idea.

Inexpensive and Higher Profit

As a retailer, you might need to purchase and resell pet food at your retail pet product outlet.

Let’s face it: national pet food brands are costly, and stocking up on packets is risky. Many pet parents are switching to inexpensive alternatives, saving cash in the process. It would be fair to say that determining sales is not easy when dealing with national brands.

On the contrary, you only need to hire a reliable manufacturing company to produce profitable pet food and treats. Additionally, owning a private label eliminates the need to pay a portion of your profit to the brand or supplier.

Brand Loyalty

Private label pet food products are exclusive to your retail store.

Once you successfully build a large customer base, you can ensure sales for months. After all, customers won’t find your products at another retailer. Chances are that your customers will set a scheduled visit every month or two and stock up on their pet’s favorite food.

As for brand loyalty, a private label allows you to use unique branding for your store. Combined with exclusivity, your brand will obtain customer recognition, ensuring brand loyalty.

Best Private Label Pet Food Supplier USA


Creating a private label pet food brand is no less than building a business.

After all, you can control everything, from the product type, packaging design, amount, value, formula, and so on. Private label brand owners in the pet products industry have complete freedom to do as they like.

The best part of such flexibility is that you can improve and make changes according to the sales and customer feedback. As you work in the market, find new ideas and make adjustments for better profit.

Private Label Pet Food Supplier: Call Green Mountain Animal LLC

Are you looking for the best US manufacturing contractor for pet food products? Our experts at Green Mountain Animal LLC manufacture FDA compliant pet products, following the highest safety standards.

We manufacture high quality, affordable pet food, supplements and treats in small and large batches for retailers and private label companies. We also offer consulting, packaging and shipping services.

Contact us at 802-752-4738 for a consultation.

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

How to Make Your Own Private Label Dog Treats?

As a new pet products company, how do you produce private label dog treats? Due to various benefits, creating private label products is starting to gain extreme popularity in the pet food industry. Many retailers and sellers are developing their brands to compete with industry giants to market and sell. Before we get into how to do it, let’s take a quick look at how you can make your own private label pet treats.

Private Label Dog Treats Manufacturing

Putting your brand and logo on a standardized product is known as private labeling. This enables your customers to distinguish your products from other retailers and suppliers. You can completely control your business and create a distinct brand with a private label. All of your efforts in developing a trustworthy private label pet product would then benefit customer retention and marketing. Customers express their loyalty to a brand rather than a product. The most impactful strategy to build customer loyalty is to persuade them to buy products again by creating a private label. Furthermore, it allows you to regulate the pet food market position and price.

Benefits of Producing White Label Dog Treats

Here are some advantages to consider when creating private label dog treats:

Decreases Competition

Because the natural pet treats will indeed be manufactured for wholesale by a third-party producer, your brand will be distinct. Once your brand is established, you will profit from being your customers’ sole source for pet treats.

Creates Brand Recognition

It creates a perfect picture for your brand and also has the potential to make it instantly recognizable.

Administers the Production

It helps us deal straightforwardly with the manufacturer of your products, giving you greater control over their appearance and makeup.

Determines the Profit

Gaining greater control over the supply and exclusivity also makes it possible to determine the product’s profitability.

Caters to the Customers

It also allows you to stay ahead of the curve and have successful brands ready for sale in much less time than it takes to manufacture them yourself.

Ways to Produce Your Private Label Dog Treats

The benefits of making dog treats under a private label are numerous. Let’s focus on how to go about it right now:

Creating a Product

When making a product of natural pet treats, you should use a customized recipe or a generic one and have it manufactured by a third-party service provider. You will want to go with a manufacturer who creates products in a FDA-approved facility.

Best Private Label Dog Treats | USA Producer

Finding a Supplier

It is critical to locate a supplier. Many private label pet product manufacturers use e-commerce platforms or create a distribution network through a supplier. Some businesses target customers through retail stores.

Sampling the Product

Sampling is perhaps the most critical aspect of manufacturing private label pet products because it enables you to start engaging consumers who are uncertain regarding the quality of your products. It enables customers to form an opinion.

Adding a Brand Logo

You should also give your business a name and a logo to make it easier to identify your products in a chain store. The brand will become your identity, so it is critical to establish it.

Listing your Product

A well-thought-out listing can propel your product to new heights. To make it difficult for the consumer to resist, including the product ingredients, measurements, and achieving the objectives and goals.

How to Make Private Label Dog Treats: Conclusion

Making your own private label dog treats is not easy, but it is worth working for because of all the additional and increased benefits it provides. If you are looking for pet food contract manufacturers for your private label pet treats, contact our experts at Green Mountain Animal LLC.

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

The Best White Label Pet Products

Are you looking for the right type of contract manufacturer to deliver the best white label pet products for your brand? Well, you’re at the right place. In this post, we will highlight the quality of the best white label pet product manufacturers serving the pet food and other product markets in the US. You must know that finding the perfect pet food contract manufacturer isn’t an easy task. In fact, some of the best brands have struggled to acquire the right contract manufacturers for their white label product needs.

Best White Label Pet Products Manufacturer

However, with the main qualities listed below, you can easily find the best white label products around you. You must make sure that all the qualities listed below are present in your chosen white label pet products contract manufacturer.

Qualities of a Great White Label Pet Products Contract Manufacturer

The best way to make sure that your chosen white label pet products contract manufacturer has all the right qualities is to opt for consultation. The best firms are available for consultation despite busy schedules to deal with new and existing clients. With Green Mountain Animal, LLC, you will always have a professional ready to answer your questions.

Latest Manufacturing Technology

To keep your business competitive in the growing pet products markets, you require a highly efficient and reliable contract manufacturer. To make sure that all products are consistent in quality, you must find a contract manufacturer for white label pet products that deploys the best technology out there. The manufacturing industry has seen massive upgrades in terms of technologies and machinery. The use of the latest manufacturing techniques provides several benefits simultaneously.

Firstly, the use of modern manufacturing technology will reduce the waste of raw materials and ingredients, resulting in more efficient production. Secondly, efficient white label pet products manufacturing will drive down the costs of the contract manufacturer. Consequently, the lower cost will benefit your brand as well, allowing you to generate better profit margins.

Moreover, the latest technological advancements reduce errors and production issues. This means that the chances of late deliveries or order completions with your pet products manufacturer will be low. Ultimately, it will allow you to suffice the demands for your products on time.

Well-Built Industry Connections

Whether you’re a new startup or a company that’s been in the pet products markets for a long time, you will find it easier to deal with an experienced contract manufacturer. White label pet products contract manufacturers find it easier to deal with clients compared to newly started contract manufacturing firms. That’s because an experienced contract manufacturer will have better connections and relationships with reliable suppliers.

It’s not easy to come up with suppliers that are both reliable and qualitative on short notice. However, if your market demand rises suddenly and you don’t have enough suppliers at hand, your contract manufacturer might help you out through its connections.

Another positive effect of working with a well-connected white label pet products manufacturer is that they can run better deals with the connections and suppliers. This can be useful for you in the long run by reducing the overall production costs.

Great Flexibility on Short Notice

Would you like to work with a contract manufacturer that’s flexible with additional product demands and projects? Surely, you want to find a flexible contract manufacturer because you never know when the demand for your brand’s pet products might skyrocket. When searching for the best white label pet products manufacturer, you must find a company that has ample capacity, a friendly attitude, and is willing to accommodate additional orders.

A company that offers an array of services, including the typical contract manufacturing services, is better. For instance, you may require a range of white label pet products during a specific period of time and according to specific requirements. But, a flexible contract manufacturer will do more than that. They will ensure efficient production, timely delivery, and might also provide consultation to discuss your pet product issues to find the best solutions.

Only a handful of companies like Green Mountain Animal, LLC provides consulting services to their customers. Plus, a reliable white label pet product contract manufacturer will never leave you on hold before answering your questions or solving your queries.

Best White Label Pet Products Company

The Best White Label Pet Products: Conclusion

Do you find it difficult to come across the right contract manufacturer to produce top-quality white label pet products for your brand? Well, you must consider the qualities listed above to find the right company to satisfy your brand’s requirements. While some manufacturers are able to deliver on time, others are proficient in maintaining consistent quality. However, Green Mountain Animal, LLC can help you with both quality and delivery.

There’re no late deliveries with Green Mountain Animal, LLC because the professionals at the company have laid a heavy emphasis on maintaining proper quality through industry-standard quality control checks and measures.

Call to talk to one of our experts today!

Dr. Dale Metz
75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

Creating Private Label Pet Food Products

Do you wish to create private label pet food products? Building a pet food brand is not an easy task because it involves tiresome and thankless tasks. Once your business is running and you have loyal customers, you can focus on marketing to keep those customers engaged. That is the fun part for many marketing-minded professionals. But before reaching that position, you have to make the right decisions.

Private Label Pet Food Products

In a pet food business, the one thing that you shouldn’t miss is creating a private label. This is the most important and overwhelming part. The post includes strategies to create private label pet food products to start a business. But, before moving quickly, you should know what a private label pet food product is.

What is a Private Label Pet Food Product?

A private label pet food product is a generic product with your brand’s logo. It helps your target audience to differentiate between your products from competitors in the market. Private labeling gives you complete control over your business. It offers customer retention and strong marketing by allowing you to create unique brands.

Keep in mind customers are loyal to brand not with the product. They trust the brand that’s why they purchase its products for their pet. Also, customers will look for your products, if you have private label pet products. In other words, you can boost sales and increase revenue through private labeling. Furthermore, it gives your business stability in the market and control over price.

How to Create a Private Label Pet Food Products?

Do you want to create private label pet food products? If yes, then here are some successful strategies to launch private label pet products:

1.     Private Labeling Costs

Private labeling could be costly, which means you need to plan your initial cost. It is an expensive business than drop-shipping and reselling. Also, it involves a high-risk level and requires more effort. But, once you establish a business, it will result in a higher return on investment. Furthermore, you can build loyal customers by offering quality pet food products. There are three types of costs, you should consider while creating private label pet food products. These are:

  • Manufacturing costs
  • Branding
  • Marketing expense

2.     Product Selection

Most entrepreneurs think that selecting a pet food product should be the first step. Since the product you choose will get you sales and money, it is an important decision. Choosing the right product will drive your business.

When you start your brand with products, you can determine other elements such as the manufacturing process, supply channels, and profit margins. Although the brand is the foundation of a pet food business, you can’t succeed if your product selection is not according to your target audience.

3.     Target Market

Once you choose the product, it’s time to consider your target audience. You have to define who will purchase your products. Since you choose pet food products, your target audience will be pet owners. Determining your target audience will help you to understand the challenges and problems they encounter. This will help you choose successful strategies.

Private Label Pet Food Products MFG

Develop customer persona to understand your target audience and offer personalized customer service. A customer persona is a segmentation technique, where you divide your customers based on their preferences. For instance, if you create pet food products for dogs as well as cats, you can divide the target audience according to the pet they have.

4.     Differentiating Factors

After defining products and target audience, you should analyze your competitors. That way you can understand where they are lacking. Furthermore, you can evaluate strategies they are focusing on to engage the audience. Understanding your competitors and their strategies, you can lay building blocks and boost your sales in the market.

Differentiating factors become the cornerstone for your business. These factors can be branding, ingredients, and target location. Also, the price can be a differentiating factor and affects your business growth. You can also offer discounts on pet food products to engage more audiences than your competitors.

5.     Final Steps

Once you figure out the above-mentioned business elements, you should build your business. Start by creating a:

  • Website
  • Brand name and logo
  • Social media presence
  • LLC company

Many private label pet food companies have eCommerce websites for online orders. If you won’t create an eCommerce website, you might lose significant numbers of customers. Thus, it is important to list your products online.

Also, platforms such as Amazon, Facebook, and Instagram offer strong opportunities to engage customers. If private label pet food products are available on these platforms, you can protect your business, brand, and profits. Furthermore, you can create a brand reputation and increase revenue.

Private Label Pet Food Products: Conclusion

Hopefully, you will find the above information effective to create successful private label pet food products. At Green Mountain Animal LLC, we create high-quality pet products for private label companies.

If you want to learn more about creating private label products, contact us today.

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

Who Makes Private Label Pet Food Products?

Who makes private label pet food products? Many pet food distributors develop new products to target pet lovers and offer them high-quality products. They hire a label manufacturing company to increase their products’ reliability. Pet owners consider brands with private labels as authentic. Because they can read all the ingredients and other information on the packaging, it’s easier for them to decide if the product is suitable for their pets or not. If you want to develop pet food items for your customers, you need to add a private label on the packaging. Adding private labels to your products indicates that you believe in transparency.

Who Makes Private Label Pet Food Products?

Customers prefer brands that are transparent about what they include in products. Therefore, if you add a private label to the products, you can build a trustworthy relationship with potential customers. But you’re probably wondering how you can create a private label for pet food products. Numerous brands are available to facilitate your target audience with different types of labels. However, choosing one private label from a wide range of companies can be demanding. This article will help you choose the best private label pet food manufacturer in the market:

What are Private Label Pet Food Products?

A private label pet food manufacturer creates pet products under a contract. Many pet food suppliers choose these business models and create new products for their customers. When a business has a unique label on its product, pet owners can differentiate them from other items on the shelf. Before buying a product, buyers read the ingredients to check if the product includes sufficient nutrients and minerals for their pets. A private label pet food product gives them complete information about the products. If you are manufacturing your products with a private label pet food manufacturer, you can build customer relationships based on loyalty and trust.

How Does a Private Label Pet Food Manufacturer Work?

Private label pet food manufacturers formulate products according to customer needs. These companies can also help your business with branding. Many brands sell products with the same quality, you can stand out among them by focusing on branding. Also, expand your range of products by adding different ingredients and highlight them on the labels. A private label pet food manufacturing company will allow your products to stand out from the competition. This way, customers can recognize your product on a shelf almost immediately.

How Can You Choose a Private Label Pet Food Manufacturer?

While choosing a private label manufacturer for pet food products, you need to consider their market experience. Some manufacturers do not offer accurate private label pet products because they have limited knowledge about the market. Their actual ingredients are different than the label. You need to avoid those manufactures as they will negatively affect your business reputation in the market. When it comes to pet products, pet lovers do not compromise on the ingredients. Therefore, you need to gain their trust through transparency and provide exactly what you promise.

Why Choose Green Mountain Animal for Private Label Pet Products?

Private labeling helps you place logos or brand generic pet products. That way, your product will stand out among competitors and other retailers. Your potential customers are looking for something extra; you can add that unique touch to your brand using creative labeling. Of course, choosing a reliable private label pet manufacturing company is a challenging task. Nevertheless, when it comes to controlling clients’ market position and branding, you can rely on Green Mountain Animal.

Who Makes Private Label Pet Food Products | Green Mountain Animal LLC

Our expert manufacturing team has years of experience in the pet product industry. By choosing our services, you can reduce the risks of errors. We facilitate pet suppliers and distributors so they can sell their products on different platforms including Instagram, Facebook, and Amazon. While branding your products, we make sure that customers remember your brand’s name and suggest it to other pet lovers too. That way, you can enhance conversion rates and grow your business.

When you depend on Green Mountain Animal LLC for manufacturing your pet products, you can offer better affordability and quality to customers. Food lovers always consider benefits, ingredients, and side effects while choosing a product for their pets. You can customize your ingredients by contacting Green Mountain Animal LLC.

Benefits of Private Label Pet Products

Some benefits of private label pet products include:

  • Avoid additional expenses for marketing your products
  • Offer best-quality products to your clients
  • Cut down the end-user costs
  • Increase customer engagement with high-quality products
  • Sell your products in bulk to supermarkets and utility stores
  • Enhance your distribution channels by targeting wholesalers as well as direct customers

Who Makes Private Label Pet Food Products : Conclusion

Green Mountain Animal is one of the best private pet product label manufacturers in the U.S. You can consult with our experts to learn about our pet product development methods and private labels. Countless pet product suppliers and distributors trust our business because we offer high-quality and safe pet food products to small and large businesses.

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

About Us

Pet Boutique Store: White Label Custom Pet Products

White label custom pet products imply that the products go from a manufacturer’s company to a retailer or a group of retailers. These retailers, with legal authority, rebrand these products with their own logo and packaging. These products mainly consist of basic and generic commodities relating to everyday use. The manufacturing company produces these generic commodities in masses and sells them to groups of retailers for selling to end consumers.

White Label Custom Pet Products

Why Businesses Consider White Labeling Custom Pet Products

The process is legal, and it is taking the retail industry by storm. Both manufacturers and retailers of generic products and commodities benefit from increased white labeling.

This whole process of white labeling does sound unique and endearing to those who wish to start their own business without necessarily creating their own product. Read on to learn a bit more about the process of white labeling.

The Process

White labeling entails that the manufacturer of a product is not responsible for its marketing and selling. Here, different businesses contact each other. One business is responsible for marketing products, while another is responsible for selling the product under its brand. This enables white labeling of custom or generic products.

The simple process is that after mass-producing a custom or generic product, the manufacturer contacts the retailer. After agreeing on a fixed price, the retailer buys the product in wholesale/ bulk as an intermediary. The retailer then rebrands the product items before selling them to consumers.

As a consumer, you might not even know which products that you use daily are white-label products. Therefore, it becomes easier for manufacturers to get their product out and thus, benefit from white labeling.

Which Business’s Opt for White Labeling Products

Electronic Companies

Various world-leading mobile phone and computer market companies use white-labeling to brand products with their name.


Retailers have relied on white labeling for a long time. Many major retailer groups around the world are dominating their respective industries and markets through white-labeling.

Multinationals also rely on white labeling. Along with mass merchandisers, there is a rise in consumer segmentation and providing different products to these segments.

Benefits of White Labeling Custom Pet Products

Here is a list of benefits that convince many businesses to opt for white labeling.

Visibility and Marketing of the Product

After finding the most suitable and valid third-parties, you can market your product to consumers. The third-parties become responsible for selling your products. This allows for the reduction in ambiguity about the product among many consumers. Hence, you achieve your products’ increased awareness.

Expert Work and Fewer Errors

The benefit of getting top-notch quality in products is a great factor for success. If a manufacturer provides you with a better quality product, there is no need for you to waste precious time and resources. This way, you simply sign a white-label contract with the manufacturing company.

Benefits of White Label Custom Pet Products

Then, you can start selling the products under your own branding and packaging. You get amazing quality in terms of products because they have passed various tests and checks.

Excellent Profit Potential

As a retailer, you can set your own profit margins after paying for the white label privileges to the manufacturing company. This will allow firm competition in the markets and provide better growth chances for your business.

Wide Product Options

With hundreds of manufacturers for every type of product, as a retailer, you enjoy plenty of options. Suppose you run a supermarket and are looking to sell summer shorts because their demand increases during warmer months. There are many manufacturers of shorts around, and they will let you rebrand the product and repackage it before displaying it for sale.

Less Pressure

This is another plus point of white labeling products. If there is a fault or error in a product, then the third-party (manufacturer) will take responsibility and the task of remunerating such loss.

White Label Custom Pet Products: Conclusion

At Green Mountain Animal, we firmly believe in providing the best for your animals. We provide excellent white label services for custom pet products. Additionally, our white label services are at the lowest prices in the entire growing pet products market.

We also provide you with amazing marketing services for custom pet products. This is possible because our marketing team comprises skilled professionals who have executed numerous successful campaigns.

Give us a call at 802-752-4738 or email us at for further inquiry of our white label services. 



How Do I Have Private Label Pet Products Made?

Creating private label products is becoming a trend in the pet food industry due to the advantages it offers customers. Retailers and sellers are building their brands to sell in the market, especially in e-commerce marketplaces. This way, they can hit the top markets and compete with the giants in the industry. Social media is empowering small businesses, making it easy for them to connect with the target audience.

Competition in the industry is growing fierce, as 50% of Amazon sellers rely on private labeling (Source). So when you are looking to grow in the same market, you need crucial knowledge and resources to conduct business effectively. Furthermore, you should offer great private label pet products to potential customers.

Reasons to Private Label Pet Products

Private labeling refers to placing your brand or logo on a generic product. This way, your products are different from the retailers and competitors. You can control your business entirely with a private label and build a unique brand. All your efforts in making a private label pet product will help in customer retention and strong marketing. Customers are not loyal to products but brands. You can build customer loyalty and convince them to buy products again by building a private label. Furthermore, you can control your market position and price within the market.

Private Label Pet Products US

Once you have a private label for pet food, you can sell your products on numerous platforms. For instance, you can sell the products on Amazon, Facebook, and Instagram. Furthermore, customers will remember your brand’s name and suggest it to others when they like it. Customers prefer private labels as they receive great value, which eventually boosts the conversion rate.

When you rely on private label products to build a brand, you can offer better quality and affordability to customers. When pet lovers purchase products for their pets, they consider the ingredients, benefits, and side effects of those ingredients. If you have a private label, you can customize ingredients and fill the market gap.

According to various researches, around 98% of the consumers chose private label products (Source). When it comes to purchasing food items for their pets, pet owners do not compromise their pet’s health. They start trusting the brand after trying the products a few times. Another study found that customers choose private labels due to their experience with the brand rather than the price (Source). They will only purchase from the brand once they develop a sturdy relationship.

Benefits of Making your Private Label Pet Product

Here are some benefits that you should consider before opting for private label pet products:

  • You can provide high-quality products to clients
  • Your brand incurs fewer costs for promotion purposes
  • Supermarket purchases the products in bulk that reduces the costs
  • Your consumer will enjoy lower prices
  • You can focus on making high-quality products for more customer engagement
  • Distribute your products throughout the market, selling through wholesalers or direct supermarkets

How to make a Private Label Pet Products

1.    Make a Pet Product

When developing a private label pet product, you should design the product. You can either customize a recipe or use a generic one. Then, hire a third-party manufacturer to produce the pet food. Choosing a manufacturer can be tricky as you need to identify the best deal for your product’s success. For instance, Green Mountain Animal LLC is a USA-based manufacturing company with custom manufacturing facilities for small businesses.

2.    Find a Supplier

That depends on where you want to supply your private label pet products. You can opt for an e-commerce platform or promote your brand on your own. Furthermore, you can contact a supplier and establish a distribution channel. You can also rely on retail stores to target existing and new customers with your pet product.

3.    Sampling the Product

Sampling is a vital part of private label pet production. By sampling your product, you engage customers who are not ready to trust your brand by giving it a second thought. This way, you can change their perception of your product. Furthermore, sampling also helps retailers test your product before they make a decision.

Private Label Pet Products US

4.    Place your Brand Logo

This is an important step towards developing a private label pet product as it gives your industry a specific image, which spreads across the industry. If your product has a great recipe and design, you can rapidly enhance the business with your brand name. Adding a brand name and logo to private pet products helps consumers recognize your products at retail outlets.

5.    Listing your Product

A pet product listing will grab customers’ attention. An amazing listing allows people to understand why they should buy your product. The listing will include product ingredients, measurements, and expectations so your customer can comprehend the product before trying it for their pet.

Conclusion: Contact USA Manufacturer Green Mountain Animal LLC

There are prominent advantages of developing a private pet product label. If you want to know about the process of developing private label pet products or manufacture a new product, contact us at 802-752-4738.

At Green Mountain Animal LLC, we customize pet products with safety and quality for small and large businesses so you can thrive in this competitive pet product industry.

How Are Private Label Pet Treats Made?

Making private label pet treats can be a challenging task, but if you do it right, it gives significant returns. While the market features various pet food retailers, you can deliver a unique aspect by focusing on customer experience and providing the best pet treats.

1.    Understand the Cost

Before diving into the private label pet treat market, you should understand the necessary costs and budget to develop a new product. Private labeling can be expensive initially but a great opportunity in the long-run. You can generate high returns on your investment, as well as fantastic outcomes on your pet products.

  • Manufacturing

When you handle all the production costs such as manufacturing, materials, labor, and shipping, you need to consider customization charges. You can hire a third-party manufacturing company such as Green Mountain Animal LLC to produce your private label pet treats.

  • Brand

When designing your brand, you require immense capital. You will start by producing the product and continue the process up until distribution. You need to hire a designer to create a logo and packaging. Furthermore, you will design a content strategy and emphasize the brand’s voice.

Private Label Pet Treats

2.    Choose the Pet Products/Treats

You need to choose a product that you want to introduce in the market. Your decision to choose a pet treat will affect your sales and revenue. Choosing the right product will enhance your brand and business. When you start a brand by choosing the product, it will affect your margins, supply, and manufacturing. When you are selling a private label product, you need to find a product that you can label with your brand. That is how you start a business. You can use different techniques to expand and grow your brand.

For instance, you can innovate, switch, or replace your products’ recipe if it doesn’t work in the market. Your goal is to target the potential audience and provide something that meets their needs. You can learn what they require after conducting product research and understanding customer pain points. Then, address shortcomings in the manufacturing process.

3.    Define the Target Audience

You need to target the ideal customer. This must be a demographic that you think is willing to purchase the product you are producing. For instance, if your product is for cats, you want to target cat owners. You cannot develop a successful product unless you define the people who will enjoy it the most.

4.    Consider why you are Different than the Competitors

When you are in a pet treat business, you will have numerous competitors. You need to understand why your pet treat brand is different than other brands in the industry. Furthermore, understand the focus of your audience and where they are lacking. When you understand what audience they fail to target, you can avail of that opportunity. For instance, if you add an ingredient that gives cats a shinier coat that few other competitors are using, you benefit from introducing that treat in the market.

5.    Design your Brand

Suppose your brand provides numerous products containing amazing ingredients and offering nutritional benefits to their pet. Even then, you need a logo on your name to reflect your brand. Your label helps with the information about your business and what the product is all about. Use the logo and name of the brand in labeling and packaging.

Before choosing your brand name, you need to ensure if you can purchase the domain with this name. More importantly, see if the name reflects your pet food products. You can hire a graphic designer to create a logo and the design of the package. Brand designing will help your private label look trustworthy and professional.

Best Private Label Pet Treats MFG US

6.    Create an Amazing Experience

The brand is not just about the logo but how your customers experience your business. You can communicate with your audience with consistency by enhancing the customer experience. It is essential to provide a unique experience to customers, so they visualize your brand while purchasing treats for their pets.

7.    Build the Brand

Once you complete all the above steps to make a private label pet treat, you need to set up a website, copyright logo, and name. Not to mention, you must create your brand’s social media exposure and form an LLC. In addition, you should start listing your product online. For instance, Amazon is an amazing platform to promote your private label pet treats brand.

Conclusion: Consult Top Contract Manufacturers Green Mountain Animal LLC

You can differentiate your brand and product through a private label. There are numerous competitors in the market. Sell the generic product with your brand and engage a customer base to build loyalty. When you provide private label pet treats, you need to keep in mind what your potential customers are looking for. Furthermore, creating a private label from scratch means putting in a lot of time and effort for remarkable results.

If you are looking for a third-party manufacturing company for product development, you can contact us at 802-752-4738. Here at Green Mountain Animal LLC, we provide high-tech facilities to produce customized products.

White Label Pet Products

These days, more entrepreneurs are starting a business by branding white label products instead of developing a separate product. They provide great value and, in some cases, better quality as well. If you talk about pet products, a branded product can cost hundreds of dollars. In the same place, white-label products come at a fraction of the price.

White labeling is a great business deal because you do not need to do the hard work. You only need to slap your brand name onto the packaging and sell your product. For many people, white labeling sounds like stealing someone’s idea and product. In fact, it is a massive industry now. Many business retailers are showing interest in white label production businesses.

Keep reading this article to know why you need to invest in white label business and what is the best place to get white label pet products.

White Label Pet Products 2021

Why White Label Business

Working with white label businesses brings you many benefits. From improving your business’ visibility to cutting the costs, let me tell you other benefits of working with a white label product manufacturing facility.


You must be wondering how white label businesses provide a quality product at such low prices? Well, these businesses make products in massive bulk, which helps them in making the product at a fraction of the price.

Minimal Effort Business

To start a white label-based business, you just need adequate finances to pay for products in bulk and add your name to the packaging. Then, you’re all set to go. The white label business will manufacture the product, market it, and distribute it in stores as well.

Increases Visibility

For a business, your business being visible to the general public is very important. On your own, your products may be on the front shelves of grocery stores, but customers may overlook it. However, white label production facilities know effective tricks to market your product. Walmart is one of the greatest examples of it. Many Americans now buy Walmart clothes and foods.

You Develop Customer Loyalty

Most stores have developed a great image in consumers’ minds. Therefore, when the consumer sees your brand name on the products, they build an association with your brand. Suppose your product is top-notch quality. Soon, you will be selling without a white label manufacturer’s help.

It is Great Time and Money Saver

Creating products takes a lot of time and effort. However, you need to extract raw materials, hire labor, and rent equipment to manufacture the product. All of this costs lots of money. This emphasizes that starting a new business from scratch comes with a lot of risks.

A white label business cuts all that risk for you. The facility will spend all the money on you, so there is little trial-and-error involved. You only need to tell them about your plans and the amount of money you want to invest in.

Reduces Pressure

This might be the best thing about working with white label companies. They take all kinds of pressure off of your plate. If customers have a complaint regarding the product, you will not need to deal with the issue. You will need to tell the facility about the issue, and they will need to fix it.

Please make sure the facility you hire provides you with an option to edit the product if it does not fit your liking the first time. Examine the samples thoroughly in this case.

Best White Label Pet Product Manufacturing Facility

Currently, we do not have many pet product manufacturing facilities. However, ones that provide such services charge a fortune. However, Green Mountain Animal provides white label pet product services for the lowest prices on the market right now. If you are skeptical about their products, you can purchase the product in small volumes at first.

They are a USA-based facility. They work within the country, and they have numerous giant clients. They believe in providing quality to the clients. Therefore, they have an exceptional research team that is competent enough to design new formulas for you.

They are your all-in-one solution. Green Mountain Animal will do all the work for you. They will design an effective formula that you can get samples for; they have an exceptional marketing team that will attract consumers. They work under the core leadership of the National Supplement Council (NASC). You can trust on their abilities.

Green Mountain Animal is gaining popularity for using incomparable raw materials, which makes sure that the final product is of the finest quality. On the other hand, they make a variety of pet products. They make chewable treats, gels, liquids, extruded sticks, powders, capsules, tablets, and much more. They are your all-in-one solution.

Best White Label Pet Products MFG 2021

Final Feedback

If you have the right money and contacts, then let me tell you white label pet products is the right business sector to get your hands in. It is safe, secure, low effort, cost-effective, and gives great returns.

Green Mountain Animal LLC currently provides the best value in the white label pet product manufacturing market. Call today for a free consultation.

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

Private Label Pet Products

Do you need private label pet products? The pet product industry is consistently growing and expanding. Therefore, getting yourself into the industry now is among the best business decisions. Since the industry is working as a whole right now around the world, you will be dealing internationally, which is a great opportunity.

You might not know this, but entering this industry is relatively easier than other industries. You only need to hire the right pet product manufacturer to get into the industry. Nonetheless, even that is a challenging task, as the industry is relatively small.

In this article, I will tell you what you need to look into for a pet product manufacturing facility. By the end of the article, I will tell you to tell you about the perfect facility to hire that will provide you with the best manufacturing facility.

Private Label Pet Products

What to Look in the Pet Products Manufacturing Facility

Pet products are a relatively new industry. Therefore, most people have no idea what to look for in a facility while hiring them. To help you out, I’ve made a list of things you need to consider before hiring a pet product manufacturing facility.

Research Team’s Quality

You are stepping into a relatively new industry. Therefore, before hiring a facility, you need to see if the manufacturing facility has a team of highly educated individuals. The team needs to be competent enough to produce innovative formulas that work for customers.

On the other hand, a decent team of researchers will help push your products efficiently in the market. As a result, customers will be hooked to your products if they actually work.

Availability to Make Small Orders

When you are just starting your business, you need to be vigilant about your spending. Therefore, hiring a manufacturer that lets you order in small batches is a good sign. Initial small orders can be a smart move when starting a business, because in the beginning you have no idea if people will even purchase your product. Therefore, taking a smaller risk is essential.

Price to Service Ratio

Cost may be the most important aspect to look at while hiring a facility. What is the use of hiring a facility when you cannot pay them? However, it would be best if you did not put off a facility only because of its prices. In this matter, your marketing team comes into play. Your marketing team needs to be competent enough to convince a good pet product manufacturing facility at your terms.

Nutrients That Your Pet Products Need to have

Pet health is very different from human health. Pets require additional nutrients that humans cannot intake.


If the pet’s gut is healthy, he is going to lead a long healthy life. Probiotics make sure that your pet’s gut is super healthy, and it improves their digestion. It keeps all pathogenic bacteria away as well.

When your formula contains probiotics, your customers will love the product because it improves their pets’ health.

Vitamins, Minerals, and Anti-oxidants

Similar to all living beings, pets require a few vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants to guarantee good health. Every pet product requires nutrients such as vitamins A, B, and K to prevent various diseases and weaknesses. They help with the blood clotting processes, hemorrhage, protein synthesis, and improve blood cell, nervous system, hormone regulation, glucose regulation, and much more.

The Best Private Label Pet Product Manufacturers

Not all pet product manufacturers around the world let you make private label pet products. However, Green Mountain Animal LLC provides you with that service. They are the best pet products manufacturing facility the world.

Green Mountain Animal provide you with various facilities that will help you make a successful brand. They will provide assistance while marketing and manufacturing the products and finding innovative formulas in the future. The greatest of all, they will provide you with a private label.

They believe in science rather than following the market blindly. They will not provide you with things that are in trend. They have several markets and technical experts running the company. Moreover, they are a customer-driven company. Let’s not forget that comparatively, they have the best prices in the market.

They are based in the USA. All their business functions are within the country and are becoming famous for providing the best pet product formulas in the entire industry.

Best Private Label Pet Products MFG

Private Label Pet Products: Consult Green Mountain Animal ©

Hunting down the right pet product manufacturing company is challenging. Finding one that provides you with private label services is even more challenging. When looking for the right manufacturer to fit your business needs, you need to be vigilant.

Contact Green Mountain Animal LLC for the best pet private label pet product manufacturing services in the USA.

Private Label Dog Products

Are you looking for a facility that will help you manufacture private label dog products? Dogs have come around to be humans best companions. A report shows that around 232 million houses all over the state have pets. Among these, dogs are the most common. These furry friends make great companions that are loyal to you in any situation.

To keep their dogs healthy, people from all around the world expend fortunes of money. Therefore, getting into the dog product industry is a wise business decision. While the industry is currently small, it is growing exponentially. However, after some time, the industry will become a giant, and that time is very near.

To get into the industry, you need to hire a manufacturing facility that will help you to make and pack the product and push it into the market.

In the article, I will tell you all about what you need to look in the dog product manufacturing facility. By the end, I will suggest the best manufacturing facility in all of America.

Private Label Dog Products

What to look in a Private Label Dog Product Manufacturing Facility

Dog product industry is currently is new to the world. Therefore, you do not have many options to look at. However, in these narrow options, you cannot choose the wrong candidate. Below is the thing you need to look in before hiring a facility.

The Manufacturing Facility’s Success Rate

Giving a chance to new bees is a good thing. When you are only starting your business, you need to hire a facility that has a lot of experience. Therefore, you should hire a company that has been in the field for a long time and provides its services to some successful companies.

The successful project count will give your surety that the company is going to provide you with effective services.

Companies Approach while Designing

When you hire a manufacturing facility, you need to keep in mind to hire one that works with facts instead of working according to trends.

Because a company that works according to scientific approaches will help you design a product that actually benefits the user, the product will have loyal customers. The facility should not only work on that basis. They need a competent team that has expertise in doing so. They can formulate innovative dog products that will help you grow in the future.

Service to Price Ratio

Service to price ratio is an essential aspect that you need to keep in mind while hiring a service. Because when you are only hiring a service, you need to be vigilant. Initially, you do not have a lot of money to splurge. Therefore, you need to be smart with your spending.

While looking for a service, make sure you compare the price of the services. It is best that you know the price range for different products in the market.

Low Volume Order

At the beginning of your business venture, you cannot invest all your money on a service that you do not know. Therefore, getting a service that allows manufacturing in small batches is a blessing. Small volumes will keep you safe.

When you are only starting a venture, you do not know what people’s reaction will be towards your products. You can become a crowd favorite, or it will not induce any sales at all. There is no in-between. Therefore, you should not go all out when you are starting your venture.

The Research Team

You are investing a large sum of money in hiring a manufacturing facility. Therefore, it is your right to know all about the manufacturing facility’s research team. You need to satisfy yourself if the scientist and individuals in the research team know all about the field. Make sure to ask intelligent questions. Do intensive research before talking to the research team.

The Best Private Label Dog Product Facility in the USA

Finding a facility that provides you with high-quality services is challenging to find. However, one recommendation is ‘Green Mountain Animals.’

As a US-based company, they have all their business functions running in the country. Therefore, you know that they will not compromise on the quality of the product. On the other hand, they believe in working according to scientific facts. They make products that work for the customer. However, the formulas they make are exceptionally innovative. On the other hand, they will help your product become successful no matter what. They have a talent for marketing, packaging, graphics, and research.

They combine their forces in making your product the best. They make private label dog products, which is beneficial for small businesses.

Private Label Dog Products and MFG

Final Feedback

You do not need to look anymore now. Green Mountain Animal LLC is one facility that will help you with all your private label creation and manufacturing needs. They are the perfect candidate to make a successful product that will help you establish a successful pet product business.

Call now to schedule a free consultation:


Private Label pet products – How it Works

How do you get private label pet products made? As the pet industry is accelerating with time, there is obviously a lot of competition going on in the market. Pet product retailers are making maximum efforts to stand out from the pack. Many brands and companies have come up with a variety of pet health and care products. You can find the same product available through different channels, from big retail stores and e-commerce to small local stores in your neighborhood.

As manufacturers have growing concerns about standing out in the market, many of them are looking up to provide private label products to their customers. Private label pet products are trending, as it is beneficial for the manufacturers to upscale the selling of their products. If you are thinking of making it to private labels, here is what you need to do.


Private Label pet products: Solidify your brand name

One thing you should know is that private label products are more than just selling your products. A private pet label is the extension of your brand name that will eventually lead to an increase in the sales of your product. So to make the private label work for you, the products you manufacture should reflect everything your brand stands for.

For instance, if you are an all-natural store selling high-quality and organic pet food, then your private pet label should reflect that. Make sure your products have simple, natural, and high-nutrient ingredients. Along with natural and organic ingredients, the label of your every product should be very clear and concise, emphasizing your brand’s standpoint.

Do Thorough Research

Doing thorough and careful research is important before getting a private pet label for your product. When you have decided that you are going to position your brand, there are two crucial things you need to look for.

  1. What category your product will encompass

It is important to brainstorm and do research about the category or categories your products will have. Decide whether you want to sell consumable, hard goods or both? Will you be willing to add pet treats or will you stick to pet food only? What categories do you think you have a strong connection with our existing vendors?

  1. How you will position your product

Once you know what category you are going for, it is time to find out how you are going to position the product into that category. There are basically three positions for any type of product: good, better, best.


Products of good quality are budget-friendly. They have the opening price point of having a satisfactory quality. Good quality products are not bad; however, with tough completion in the market, good-quality products can cheapen your brand image.


Between the good quality and the premium quality of the products, lays this category in between. Better quality products may cost 20-30% more than premium quality products, making it great for those who will fudge a little fall on the quality to get a product for a decent price.

When private pet label is correctly used, better-quality products have the potential for retailers to upscale their business.


The best or premium quality products are the cream of the crop. These products are manufactured under the top conditions and using the highest quality of raw materials, ingredients, procedures, and testing methods.

Creating the products of this category requires a lot of investment. It is not easy for premium products to get a private label, but it is difficult to get successful with it. But if you managed to succeed, your business will be booming.


Select a Manufacturer

Selecting the right manufacturer is a crucial part of getting a private pet labeled product. Finding the right manufacturer will take time, but it is best to take time and know what your manufacturer should be like.

If you do not know where to begin looking for a manufacturer, ask those you have already with work. Many of your vendors might offer you a private label for your products.

Finding the right manufacturer requires time and research. You have to consider everything from the quality of ingredients to the warehouses and source of manufacturing. You would also need to take tours of factories and check whether their procedures match the quality you want in your product.

Benefits of Private Labelled Pet Products

Private pet labeled products gain customer trust. Private labeled pet products ensure the quality and palatability of pet food.

Pet products with private label brands emulate the current brand on the shelf. If you are a retailer, private label helps you to compete with the fastest moving pet food products.

When you have pet food under a private label, it will not only have a great taste but will fulfill all the nutritional requirements of pets.

Get Private Labelled Pet Product for your Business

Are you thinking of getting private labeled products for your pet? Contact us as we have got the best working standards and high-quality ingredients manufacture pet health products with. Green Mountain Animal is the well-renowned name in the pet the industry providing a variety of pet product categories to our customers.

Call today:

75 Catamount Drive
Milton, Vermont 05468

Best Private Label Supplements for Pet Health

products-for-pet-health-contract-mfg-usa-01What are the best private label supplements for pet health? You give your dog two meals a day. However, do you keep a check on his health? Have you observed any weird behavior from his side? Could it be that he has digestive issues? Does your dog prefer to sit all day and is less energetic now? Your pet is possibly struggling with his health; he may have indigestion or may be suffering from arthritis. You can’t ignore the possibility of a panic attack too – after all, your pet is a living being.

You may be careful with your pet’s diet but may miss out on the adequate amount of nutrition his body requires. Just like us, pets also need nutrients to function properly. If you want your pet to have an active,  longer, and healthier life, cater to his nutritional needs by adding pet product supplements to his diet.

Essential Supplements Your Pet Requires

Pet supplements have become an industry in the US.  People are spending on their pets’ health more than ever before. Talking about last year only, Americans spent $33 billion on pet food and treats.

While there are pet supplement manufacturers, the concept of private label products is not new. There is a growing market for private label pet products manufacturer too.

You may be interested to know some of the essential pet supplements manufactured under private labels.


Your dog and cat need vitamins and minerals to stay active and healthy. Vitamins are an integral component of a balanced diet. Older dogs and cats are more likely to face health problems – such as poor vision, skin allergies, or poor appetite. Adding multivitamins to your pet’s diet from an early stage may protect him form old-age problems.


The symptoms of indigestion in pets are quite common to figure out. Your dog may not feel the urge to eat or may have a growling stomach. Digestive issues are common to both humans and animals. You may have probiotic supplements in your medical box. If you own a pet, keep pet probiotic supplements too- as these supplements will aid your pet in dealing with indigestion.

Supplements for Hip and Joint

As pets grow, the active dogs and cats may start applying extra stress on their joints and bones. Supplements for hip and joints may help your pet improve his mobility. These supplements will provide the antioxidant support to your pet, thereby improving his health.

Nutritional Supplements

You want your friends and family to stay in a healthy state –this also includes your four-legged pet. You may have a habit of exercising to begin your day; you probably ensure to adopt healthy eating habits and sometimes may take supplements too. Your cats and dogs also have to follow a healthy lifestyle. You can help your pets in achieving this goal. Adding nutritional supplements in their daily meals may help boost their energy levels, digestive system, and antioxidant consumption greatly.

What Makes a Pet Supplement the Best Choice?

best-private-label-supplements-pet-health-02You are now acquainted with the essential supplements a pet requires. But, what makes a supplement the best private label supplement for pets?

The most important thing to look for is the ingredients. The supplements made with natural ingredients are the best.  The supplements for your pet’s consumption should be allergen free, with no chemicals or fragrance. A popular delivery option for pet supplements is extruded chews. The best chews are the ones with no sugar, salt, or gumming agents added to them. A no-heat process in the manufacturing of chews ensures 100 percent ingredient integrity. The chews should be corn and wheat free and should only contain the USDA Certified Organic herbs.

Bottom Line

If you are looking for the best private label pet supplements manufacturer in the town, Green Mountain Animal is your go-to place. We provide safe and quality animal health products and treats. Contact us today for the customized pet product supplements.

Call today for a custom quote:


What to Expect with Private Label Manufacturing for Animal Products

Private Label Manufacturing for Animal ProductsIf you have concepts for any type of animal products that you want to be manufactured and shipped, you will find that private label manufacturing services can help. The private label industry has a lot to offer, but it’s important that you know what to expect.
The more you learn about private label manufacturing for animal products, the more likely you will be to take advantage of these services.

Choosing a Company

The very first thing that you will need to do is select a company to manufacture your products. You will have a much better idea of what to expect when you take the time to find out which specific services each manufacturer offers. Some of these companies will only make the product while others will provide other services like formulation and shipping.

Formulation Services

Private Label Manufacturing for Animal ProductsOne of the reasons that so many companies decide to pay for private label manufacture services for their animal products is because they can get help with formulating them. Many of these companies can create an ideal formula for your animal products that will satisfy the needs of your customers. The formula of your products is what really sells them, and these services can ensure your company’s success.

Technical Support

Most private label manufacturing companies offer extensive technical support, so you can get answers to any questions or concerns you have at any point. Some of these businesses have better customer support than others, so you will need to look for one that will keep an open line of communication with you at all times.

Build Your Brand

Private Label Manufacturing for Animal ProductsPrivate label animal products are an extremely effective way for you to build your company’s brand quickly so you can establish yourself in your industry. These days a lot of companies are paying to have private label pet products made because they are so lucrative.


The fact is that private label animal product manufacture services can be very cost effective. You will be able to save a significant amount of money on everything from labor to manufacturing facilities. If you want to save as much money as possible, this is an excellent overall option.

Private label animal product manufacturing services are a viable option for many companies that want quality products made in a timely manner. There are many companies that offer a wide range of services that can take your products from a simple concept to a unique, high-selling product.

Contact us today toll free at 802-752-4738  for more information on Manufacturing Animal products